Monday 20 April 2009

Writing Articles to make Money: The Two Ways To Make Money Using Articles

Hey there,

In the industry of internet/affiliate marketing there are many sceptical people, whom i would label as “cant’s”. This is a short article describing in brief the two ways to make money using articles which, if applied, will turn you into the group I would label “can do’s”:

1. The 1st option would be for a freelance writer or even someone with good writing skills but that just hasn’t put it to the test yet. There is money to be made by offering your services to online marketers or e-marketers who do not have the time to write articles. To get noticed as quickly as possible, the best thing to do would be to get together a portfolio of around 25 different articles over a wide range of subjects showcasing your talent then upload them to websites such as once that is done, do some research into the best freelancing sites although i would recommend; Getafreelancer or Elance on which you will find thousands of people constantly requiring articles and issuing various projects.

2. If you are an affiliate marketer or work within the E-Commerce industry you can write and produce articles to appear in search engines and therefore drive traffic to your websites. The best way to do this is to answer questions that you would relate closely to the product or site you are hoping to drive them to. That way, not only will they feel like you are providing them with something they require but you are potentially coming up with the solution by showing them to your site. An example of this would be; if you are selling information dvd’s on how to use Google Adwords you would write an article on the top 10 problems encountered when using Google Adwords Of course, writing articles in this way will attract customers looking for your product so you should achieve a higher success rate than average. It is extremely important to make sure your article is not a sales pitch and that it provides more than enough information needed by the potential customer, remember, the more you give them, the more likely they are to click on your link at the bottom of the article. One last thing..... it is important focus throughout the article on your excellent experience, highlighting showing you in as best light as possible. If people buy into you, they will buy into your product once they get to your website.

The aim of the game when you do not have an established client base nor a good name amongst contacts would be to charge as little as you can get away with. A good free lance article writer would charge between $8 - $16 per article however, my advice would be to charge as little as $3 per article making sure you do an exceptional job and they come back to you with the next project. A good point to make is that word of mouth is one of the best marketing angles going so do a great job and your projects will grow and grow, as will your bank balance.
So there you have it, two sure fire ways to make money using articles, what label do you fall under? The “cants” or the “can do’s”.

This is just a small example of the Information available in the free Marketing Course you can recive at

Thanks for investing your time to read this article,
Kind regards
Richard Williams

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