At times we all have the inspiration to write, whether it is a book, a blog or an E Book, but what we must all remember is that before you even put pen to pad or tap that key board you must have a clear marketing strategy laid out.
Target Audience
Before you begin, I advise you to lock yourself in a quiet room free from distraction and put that brain power to good use. Identify who you are writing it for, put yourself in their position and ask yourself what they would want from such a product. You need to identify who you're writing for from the very beginning. Even though it is taken for granted that an E-book is the used to transfer knowledge from one party to another, different people take different things out of it.
You will be recognised as a teacher and because of this what you say must be true, honest and add real value to your pupil. Understanding your pupil will help you with what tone to use and exactly what it is that they will expect from you. Leave no stone unturned and do not be afraid to go into specific details to make your point clear and concise.
First Impressions Count
The content of your E-Book may be spectacular, however, the reader cannot read it all before they decide whether to buy or not!! Therefore, a title is one of the most important aspects of the whole project. It must grab attention and give the prospect a good idea as to what it is all about. Apart from giving the reader a good idea as to the contents it must also stand out above the competition so do some research, look at what sort of books sell and why etc
To summarise, know your target audience, put yourself in their shoes, make sure your product appears to stand out above the competition and you will have a top product and a potential gold mine.
Richard Williams