Just how important is a positive frame of mind when starting your own business and working in the world of internet marketing? If you are one of the many people that would answer “not nearly as important as other aspects” then you are extremely wrong!! A positive mind state can not only transform your business to an extremely profitable business but it can also entirely change your life in every area imaginable.
So what is it that I am actually talking about and what is a “mind state”? In essence, it is the way you view certain scenarios and your reactions to certain outcomes. For example; you are building a website and after two hours of inputting script and pictures the computer crashes wiping everything you have done. Your reaction is A) I am not at all computer literate, this type of thing always happens to me and this website will never get done so I give up, or B) Damn you computer, you will not beat me and at least next time I will be quicker knowing what to do and what to write. Now this seems pretty obvious but which option do you think will eventually lead to a successful website? And you would very surprised at just how many people give up.
To have a negative mind state is to have a million excuses; I’m not computer literate, I’m never going to do this, I’ve got nothing to offer,etc etc. To have a positive mind state is to have a million answers; I can learn about this computer, where there is a will there is a way and I am going to make sure I have lot’s to offer.
How do you get a positive mind state? Watch the Secret. In my opinion this is one of the most positive, amazing videos I have ever had the experience of watching. It has changed many people’s lives using the simple rile of the law of attraction, you attract what you think. Another really good book that is worth reading is Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki. He masters the fact that the same person can go two separate ways in life, simply by using different attitudes.
The best advice I can give you is that, like any skill or change you want to make in life, this can take work. It doesn’t happen overnight. But simply add prompts into your life, reminders of a positive way of thinking and you will start to notice a considerable and prosperous difference.