In the tough times over the past 18 months economically and the tough times to come over the next 24 months one thing has become crystal clear..... Working for yourself is the key. The only way you can guarantee an income and job safety is if the only person you report into is infact, yourself. Below are the main reasons why this jump off the corporate ladder should be made.
Bad Company Ethics
If the ethics of your company do not match your own it can cause worry, stress and can reduce your sense of well being. How many people work for their company not because they believe in what they are selling, or believe in how they are selling them but because they need that pay cheque to survive? Imagine a world where you sold to who you want, exactly how you wanted to and you truly believed and handpicked the products you were selling. If this interests you, working from home is definitely for you.
I do not think you will find anyone on this planet who’s body is not affected physically or emotionally by stress. Some people fall into a depressed state, others can be physically sick, others argue with partners, there are even some people who develop long standing mental health issues. If, like 89% of us, you have suffered from stress you must ask yourself the question “is it all worth it, what can i be doing to reduce this?”.
The Excitement Is Gone...It’s Just Plain Old Boring
It is a fact of nature that as human beings we need stimulation. How long does it take before we get bored of doing the same old thing day in day out? Well on average, the human being lasts 5 years before they get the itch to move on to doing something else. Unfortunately your boss does not see it that way and for many, many people, we are pigeon holed for life. Working from home will provide more variety and the luxury of being able to stop what you are doing and walk the dog, take the kids to the park and pick up what you were doing when it suits you.
Having To Work With Difficult people
We have all been there at some point, working alongside someone you do not like, or whom annoys the hell out of you each time he/she opens their mouth. It is true that it is part of life to deal with people whom you may not see eye to eye with but life is all about choice, so the ability to pick who you deal with on a daily basis is a great reason to get out of that office and spend your time concentrating without distraction at building a profitable home business.
Getting Rid Of That Boss
The most important point and the main reason to quit that corporate lifestyle forever is this; Wouldn’t it be great to walk into that office and tell your boss what to do? Well unfortunately that is not going to happen for most of us, however, why not go one better and sack him!!! Leaving your boss and his/her orders is the greatest feeling in the world. Working from home will give you the freedom of doing what you want, when you want, how you want. You do not have to report into anyone but yourself. A point to make here is that you must motivate yourself but who wouldn’t with the sun shining in their back garden, the laptop open, receiving emails notifying them of deposits into their bank accounts?
I found my path to financial freedom Via My Internet Business for a FREE REPORT visit
Kind Regards
Richard Williams